Dominica Zhu, Founding Director

Dominica is part of the chinese diaspora with roots in the Dai/Tibetan communities. Dominica is an experienced practitioner, organizer, and advocate in social justice, cultural preservation, and government space, utilizing humanitarian principles to foster understanding and change that is both subtle and profound.She has been active in on-the-ground social justice issues at a young age- acting as a nutritionist to over 80,000 Liberian refugees in Ghana at the age of 20, working on countering human trafficking in Southeast Asia with the United States Agency in International Development, and developing models to preserve indigenous knowledge in Sri Lanka and Africa. Dominica has experienced death and survived through a series of miracles in 2019. She lends her experience in surviving death to her work and passion to create a more whole and healthy Planet. Dominica is dedicated to protecting what is most ancient and timeless within our world and unifying these with all that we have gained in modern living and learning. This also includes shark conservation and animal welfare.